Technology & Methods
Prof. Dr. Melkumyan created and patented unique base isolation technologies not only for low-story existing stone buildings, but also for multi-story existing frame buildings.
Method of retrofitting of existing buildings by base isolation system (Patent of the Republic of Armenia № 579)
By this technology we are retrofitting the existing buildings without interruption of their use

Method of installation of seismic isolation laminated rubber-steel bearings by clusters
increased seismic stability of the buildings;
more uniform distribution of the vertical dead and live loads, as well as additional vertical seismic loads on the rubber bearings;
small bearings can be installed manually, without using any mechanisms;
easy replacement of small bearings, if necessary, without using any expensive equipment;
easy casting of concrete under the steel plates with anchors and recess rings of small diameter for installation of bearings;
neutralization of rotation of buildings by manipulation of the number of bearings in the seismic isolation plane
Melkumyan M.G. New Approach in Design of Seismic Isolated Buildings Applying Clusters of Rubber Bearings in Isolation Systems. - Earthquakes and Structures. An International Journal, Vol.4, No. 6, June 2013, pp.587-606

Method of construction of several houses unified by one rigid reinforced concrete base isolated slab
proposed idea can be very efficiently used for large blocks of buildings to be newly constructed;
the main feature of the proposed idea is that the distance between the SILRSBs under the rigid R/C slab in longitudinal and transverse directions can be bigger than the distance between the bearing elements of the superstructure;
in comparison with the usual way of base isolation the proposed idea brings to significant reduction of the number of needed SILRSBs;
Proposed idea leads to the more flexible architectural solution and to creation of the larger spaces in the basement/parking floor

Method of protection of existing buildings by roof isolation system in the form of an Additional Isolated Upper Floor (AIUF) acting as a Tuned Mass Damper (TMD)
By this technology we are protecting the existing buildings without interruption of their use
Melkumyan M.G. Dynamic Tests of the 9-story R/C Full-Scale Building with an Additional Isolated Upper Floor Acting as Vibration Damper. - Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Structural Dynamics: EURODYN'96, Florence, 1996, Vol.1, pp.557-560